

HMH Books for Young Read­ers
978–0‑358–07428‑1 board book
978–0‑544–81012‑9 paper­back

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True Stories of Extraordinary Animal Friendships

What makes a camel friends with a Viet­namese pig? Or a wild polar bear with a sled dog? In a young preschool book, Cather­ine Thimmesh makes us won­der at the truth and mys­tery of unlike­ly ani­mal friend­ships. Because the sto­ries behind these friend­ships are true, not con­trived, they not only give read­ers insight into ani­mals, but chal­lenge pre­con­ceived notions about com­pata­bil­i­ty. With­out becom­ing didac­tic or laden with mes­sage, this book express­es tol­er­ance of dif­fer­ences and makes us look the kind­ness of animals—and humans—a lit­tle differently. 

Because they were there at just the right time, pho­tog­ra­phers in Siberia, India, Africa, the U.S., Chi­na, Eng­land, Ger­many and Japan were able to cap­ture the truth and mys­tery of these exist­ing friendships.

Awards and Recognition

2011 Sum­mer Indi­eNext List
NSTA Out­stand­ing Sci­ence Trade Book
Cal­i­for­nia Read­ing Asso­ci­a­tion’s Eure­ka! Non­fic­tion Chil­dren’s Book Award
Chica­go Pub­lic Library’s 2012 Best of the Best
Min­neso­ta Book Award final­ist
Select­ed for inclu­sion in Ama­zon’s Prime Book Box

Friends board book
two-page spread from the Friends board book, copy­right &#169 Cather­ine Thimmesh, pub­lished by HMH Books for Children
two-page spread from the Friends pic­ture book, copy­right &#169 Cather­ine Thimmesh, pub­lished by HMH Books for Children


“Thimmesh uses a sim­ple rhyming text and stel­lar col­or pho­tos to cel­e­brate unusu­al friendships…The pho­tos radi­ate trust and warmth, and the text is sooth­ing and reas­sur­ing.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“Thimmesh hops on the cute­ness band­wag­on with this col­lec­tion of 13 ani­mal duos who met by chance and, for a time at least, showed mutu­al curios­i­ty and affec­tion.” (Book­list)