Girls Solve Everything

Girls Solve Everything

avail­able 1 March 2022
illus­trat­ed by Melis­sa Sweet
HMH Books for Young Read­ers
978–0‑358–10634‑0 hard­cov­er

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Stories of Women Entrepreneurs Building a Better World

Brave women from diverse back­grounds make the world a bet­ter place through their busi­ness­es in this inspir­ing com­pan­ion to the best-sell­ing Girls Think of Every­thing by Sib­ert-win­ner Cather­ine Thimmesh and Calde­cott Hon­or win­ner Melis­sa Sweet.

Women all over the globe are ask­ing ques­tions that affect lives and cre­at­ing busi­ness­es that answer them. Like, can we keep pre­ma­ture babies warm when they’re born far from the hos­pi­tal? Or, can the elder­ly stay in their homes and eat a bal­anced diet?  Women are tak­ing on and solv­ing these issues with their inge­nu­ity and busi­ness acu­men.

How did they get their ideas? Where does the fund­ing for their projects come from? And how have some of these busi­ness­es touched YOUR life? Girls Solve Every­thing answers these ques­tions, inspir­ing today’s kids to learn from entre­pre­neurs and take on some of the world’s biggest prob­lems, one solu­tion at a time.

Girls Solve Everything
Two-page spread from Girls Solve Every­thing, illus­tra­tion copy­right Melis­sa Sweet


“A hearty non­fic­tion tome as like­ly to edu­cate as it is to inspire.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly)


Girls Solve Every­thing Dis­cus­sion Guide

Click to down­load this poster for your class­room, library, or home: