For the Press

for the press

Catherine Thimmesh
Cather­ine Thimmesh
Pho­to: Lori Dozier
Catherine Thimmesh
Cather­ine Thimmesh
Pho­to: Lori Dozier

Cather­ine Thimmesh is the Sib­ert Medal-win­ning author of Team Moon. She recent­ly received a Sib­ert Hon­or for Camp Pan­da, which chron­i­cles the sci­en­tists who are work­ing to help the pan­da over­come their vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to extinction.

Madam Pres­i­dent, a New York Times notable book reflects recent advances for women in pol­i­tics, includ­ing Hillary Clin­ton’s his­toric run for the presidency.

Cather­ine’s pre­vi­ous books, Girls Think of Every­thing and The Sky’s the Lim­it, have been trans­lat­ed into Kore­an and Chi­nese. Girls Think of Every­thing won the 2001 IRA Chil­dren’s Book Award, was a Chil­dren’s Book of the Month Best Non­fic­tion Book 2000, a Min­neso­ta Book Award final­ist, and a Smith­son­ian Notable Book 2000 (amongst oth­er hon­ors). The Sky’s the Lim­it won the Min­neso­ta Book Award in 2002, was a Smith­son­ian Notable Book 2002, and an Out­stand­ing Sci­ence and Social Stud­ies Trade Book for Chil­dren 2002.

The author lives and writes in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

Further Reading

Build­ing the Fire With­in: Author Cather­ine Thimmesh Makes Chi­dren’s Non­fic­tion Non-bor­ing,” Amy Meythaler, Mackin Com­mu­ni­ty, June 1, 2018

Cather­ine Thimmesh: Research­ing Pale­oartistry,” Inter­views, Bookol­o­gy, June 25, 2015

Moth­ers of Inven­tion,” Nor­ma Smith Olson, Min­neso­ta Wom­en’s Press, Mar 23, 2012

Downloadable Photographs

Cather­ine Thimmesh
against a white background

To down­load the pho­to, click on the link to open the pho­to file, then right-click and select “save tar­get or link as.”

8 x 12, 300 dpi, RGB, 5 Mb

Cather­ine Thimmesh
against a black background

To down­load the pho­to, click on the link to open the pho­to file, then right-click and select “save tar­get or link as.”

8 x 12, 300 dpi, RGB, 6 Mb