20 Random Things

20 random things

Catherine Thimmesh
Cather­ine Thimmesh
Pho­to: Lori Dozier
  1. Hat­ed my red hair when I was grow­ing up. Was called “Big Red” and “Car­rot Top”—even by some grown-ups.
  2. Get car sick if I’m not driving.
  3. Am a Mac person.
  4. Love office sup­plies; espe­cial­ly paper.
  5. Trav­eled Europe by myself for a month (in my ear­ly 20s).
  6. Passed out on the crowd­ed Tube (sub­way) in Lon­don from exhaus­tion/­jet-lag.
  7. Once wrote a sin­gle sen­tence that was gram­mat­i­cal­ly cor­rect (I think) and two-pages long.
  8. First book I tried to write was a real­ly bad pic­ture book cliché.
  9. Was attacked by a cat ran­dom­ly one night while babysitting.
  10. My first time sky­div­ing, thought I was free-falling for about 15 min­utes (in real­i­ty it was about 10 seconds).
  11. Cry every time they stand on the desks in “Dead Poet­’s Society.”
  12. Was cut from every sports team I ever tried out for.
  13. Am mas­ter of the play­ground four-square game (tra­di­tion­al version).
  14. Had a Hol­ly­wood pro­duc­er scream at me and tell me no one cared about the moon landing.
  15. Named my daugh­ter after the name I always used when play­ing with Fish­er Price Lit­tle People.
  16. Went to Space Camp as an adult.
  17. Am still sur­prised when some­one I don’t know says “I read your book.”
  18. Became semi-hys­ter­i­cal when I saw hump­back whales breech out­side my bal­cony in Hawaii.
  19. Eat a lot of peanut-but­tered toast.
  20. Dialed for Oba­ma votes and went off-script a lot.